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Version: 0.8.0

Extending Reactors

This article has examples in the following target languages:

Extending a Base Reactor​

Lingua Franca supports defining a reactor class as an extension (or subclass), as in the following example:

target C; reactor A { input a:int; output out:int; reaction(a) -> out {= lf_set(out, a->value); =} } reactor B extends A { input b:int; reaction(a, b) -> out {= lf_set(out, a->value + b->value); =} }
Lingua Franca diagram: ExtendsCreator: FreeHEP Graphics2D Driver Producer: de.cau.cs.kieler.klighd.piccolo.freehep.SemanticSVGGraphics2D Revision Source: Date: Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 6:03:55 PM Pacific Daylight TimeAaoutB21baout

Here, the base class A has a single output that it writes to in reaction to an input. The subclass inherits the input, the output, and the reaction of A, and adds its own input b and reaction. When an input event a arrives, both reactions will be invoked, but, once again, in a well-defined order. The reactions of the base class are invoked before those of the derived class. So in this case, B will overwrite the output produced by A.

One limitation is that a subclass cannot have ports, actions, or state variables with the same names as those in the base class. The names must be unique.

A subclass can extend more than one base class by just providing a comma-separated list of base classes. If reactions in multiple base classes are triggered at the same tag, they will be invoked in the same order that they appear in the comma-separated list.